Mag. Michael-Bernhard ZITA, Bakk.
What is necessary to establish a Digital European Public? Which challenges have to be overcome, and which actors will need to work together to achieve this mission? What must a digital place be like that educates and enlightens while simply using it?
Balance “Exploring know|edge and crossing its boundaries” with “Making well-informed decisions based on best-educated Guesses”.
Michael-Bernhard ZITA is a project manager with more than ten years of experience with EU (co-)funded education projects, key competencies in higher education didactics and course development and many years of training experience.
He studied communication science (focus: systems theory and media competence) at the University of Vienna (Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees), where he was also involved in organizing university teaching and running courses.
His main professional activity is the role of Research, Projects & Networks Manager at the Council for European Public Space, which mainly revolves around the challenge of promoting a digital public sphere based on European values and, above all, formulating them vis-à-vis stakeholders from academia, media, politics and civil society.
He also holds several professional positions: editor at mediamanual, Secretary General of the European Society of Education and Communication (ESEC) and member of the board (treasurer) of the International Association of Public Media Researchers (IAPMR).
In his spare time, he is working on his dissertation in communication studies in the field of needs, services, and functions of a European Digital Public Sphere. In doing so, he tries to develop a theoretical concept and to spread the idea of thinking of a future European media space as an enlightenment engine to establish an open society as a third model besides data capitalism and data statism.
Overall, he seeks to draw attention to and promote the importance of media literacy in increasingly polarized societies, both on the part of educational efforts and through future enlightening technologies.
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